This is an editorial design project focusing on the development of typography history, key terms and some inspirational examples. This is an exercise using the grid system and practicing the alignments and balance of the text and images on the spreads using InDesign.


- Simplify the information and graphics to create a clean viewing environment 

- Focus on developing relationship between the information and graphic elements

- Act as an information book in a newly creative manner


- Understanding the balance between the various elements

- The application of colours throughout different sections of the book

- Connecting the various chapters in a well designed manner using different typographic/graphic/colour components

Rough Iterations:

- The initial process of understanding the grid system

- Using placeholder text and black blocks to organize the space and balance of the spreads


- Used as an informational piece for students interested in typography and the Graphic Design at OCAD

- Functions as a small study guide for typography students with key typographic terms 

Software(s) Used:

- Adobe InDesign

- Adobe Illustrator

- Adobe Photoshop

Using Format