This project was designing an audio translation piece for the music, Intro by The XX. By using one word to describe the emotion evoked from the musical piece as a start and develop a dynamic black and white work to convey the melody/rhythm in a two-dimensional graphical form.


- Using only black and white to express the energetic emotion

- Coordinate the various elements together in the limited space available

- Focus on the dynamic flow and arrangement to direct the viewer's eyes


- Design a graphic piece that evokes the emotion and melody convey through the music

- Combining textual and graphic elements together to form the balance of the composition

- Use of space to support the dynamic movement flow of the graphic elements travelling across the composition 

I started off by listening to every sound track and wrote down notes on the feelings and possible instrumental sounds that exist within each music. I made sure to listen to the sound tracks more than once, so I did not miss

anything. I thought by recording down the instrument sounds would be useful since it could help in deciding the shapes for my composition.


- Successfully combined different parts of the analogue pieces together to form a overall composition

- Create a good balance and movement between the text and graphic elements

- Beneficial use of white space

Software(s) Used:

- Adobe Illustrator

Using Format